КАФЕДРА ИН.ЯЗ. МосУ МВДПятница, 20.09.2024, 01:39

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      In the second half of the twentieth century, the invention of computer and the way of thinking associated with it led to a new approach or orientation to psychology called the cognitive movement. The roots of the cognitive movement are extremely varied: they include behaviorism, humanism, etc. They include thinkers from linguistics, neuroscience, philosophy, and engineering; and it especially involves specialists in computer technology and the field of artificial intelligence. 

      Cognition means "knowing” and cognitive processes refer to the ways in which knowledge is gained, used and retained. Cognitivists believe that the study of internal processes is important in understanding behaviour because humans do not passively respond to the environment. Cognitive processes actively organize and manipulate the information we receive. Therefore, cognitive psychologists study perception, attention, memory, thinking, language and problem solving. Тheу also attempted to explain artificial intelligence and abnormality. 

      Cognitive psychology developed as a separate area within the discipline since the late 1950s and early 1960s (though there are examples of cognitive thinking from earlier researchers). The term came into use with the publication of the book "Cognitive psychology" by Ulrich Neisser in 1967. However, the cognitive approach was brought to prominence by Donald Broadbent's book "Perception and Communication” in 1958. Since that time, the dominant paradigm in the area has been the information processing model of cognition that Broadbent pat forward. This is a way of thinking and reasoning about mental processes, imagining them like software running on the computer that is the brain. Theories commonly refer to forms of input, representation, computation or processing, and outputs. Interest in mental processes appeared in the works of Tolman and Piaget, but it was the computer that introduced the terminology and metaphor necessary to investigate the human mind. Cognitive psychology compares the human mind to a computer and suggests that we are information processors. From the perspective of the cognitive psychology it is possible to study the internal mental processes that lie between the stimuli we receive and the responses we make. 

     Cognitive psychologists use a number of experimental techniques, including laboratory-based research with normal and brain-damaged subjects, as well as computer and mathematical models to test and validate theories. 

    This way of conceiving mental processes has pervaded psychology more generally over the past few decades, and it is not uncommon to find cognitive theories within social psychology, personality, abnormal psychology, developmental psychology. The application of cognitive theories in comparative psychology has led to many recent studies in animal cognition. 

     The information processing approach to cognitive functioning is currently being questioned by new approaches in psychology. 

      Many are hoping that cognitive psychology will prove to be the paradigm we have been waiting for. It is still early to tell, but the significance of cognitive psychology is impossible to deny. 


artificial intelligence                               - искусственный разум 
 to retain                                              - хранить , оставлять 
 internal                                               - внутренний 
 problem solving                                    - решение проблемы 
 cognitive psychology                             - когнитивная психология 
 information processing model                 - модель обработки информации 
 to put forward                                      - предлагать 
 software                                              -программное обеспечение 
 metaphor                                             - метафора 
 laboratory-based research                      - лабораторные исследования 
 to prove                                               - доказывать


1. What conditions led to the development of a cognitive approach?
2. What are the roots of the cognitive movement?
3. What does the word "cognition" mean?
4. What are cognitive processes?
5. What do cognitive psychologists think about the study of internal processes?
6. What do cognitive psychologists study?
7. What phenomena do cognitive psychologists try to explain?
8. When did the cognitive movement develop as a separate area?
9. When did the term "cognitive psychology” come in to use?
10. What model of cognition did Broadbent describe in his book?
11. Who were the first psychologists interested in mental processes?
12. What does the cognitive psychology compares the human mind to?
13. What helped to introduce the metaphor necessary to investigate the human mind?
14. What experimental techniques do cognitive psychologists employ?

15. What approaches in psychology included cognitive theories over the past few decades?


A Guide To Social Psychology

This VideoJug presentation provides an overview of the study of social psychology, including group influence, through an interesting social experiment conducted on a group of schoolchildren. Watch to find out more!This VideoJug presentation provides an overview of the study of social psychology, including group influence, through an interesting social experiment conducted on a group of schoolchildren. Watch to find out more!

I'm Dr. Eldad Farhy, I'm a counselling and psychotherapeutic psychologist. I run psychologyexpert. 

co.uk, and today I will be talking about psychology. Social psychology, this is the part of psychology in general which looks at the human experience as part of a society. 

It looks both at the individual, that is the way we interact with others and of the group, that is the way in which groups regulate and govern themselves, and interact with other groups. The study of social psychology was really popularized after the World War when various groups of people fought, literally tooth and nail, for world dominance. Therefore, understanding what made some of those groups go to the most extreme types of behavior we can think of, was a fascinating subject, and many research psychologists at the time studied it. 

We've discovered many interesting things about social psychology, for instance, the power of the group. In a classroom of children, 99% or practically all of them but one, were told to say that something patently untrue was true. That is, they were shown two lines: a short one and a long one. 

However, all the children were told to say when asked, that the short one was longer than the long one. One child, and only one child, was not told that. Guess what? When the child saw that all its mates were saying that the short one was long, he followed suite. 

An interesting twist. If another child was told to say the truth - just one child - then the target one would have said the truth as well. The moment we have support, we feel able to stand up to a group. 

Whereas much of psychology is about the individual's own experience, social psychology looks at the way that individuals interact with other people, how it affects their own behavior, but how they affect others. It's an interplay between the various individuals who make up society, human society, that is the topic interesting social psychology. .



An Introduction To Psychology

This video gives us a brief but informative, factual and important meaning of psychology. You are able to understand normal likings and behaviors.This video gives us a brief but informative, factual and important meaning of psychology. You are able to understand normal likings and behaviors.

I am Doctor Elhad Farhy. I am a counselling and psychotherapeutic psychologist. I run psychologyexpert. 

co.uk and today, I will be talking about psychology. Introduction to psychology. 

Well, it's really impossible to do a long course in minutes so I would suggest that you get a good book, many of those who will have the title Introduction To Psychology or Introductory Textbook To Psychology and read it. But you try to make it even simpler. Let me explain, psychology is the science of the psyche that is of the human mind. 

It studies the fair use of the expression of the mind and in its thinking process, in its emotional variation, in the way it governs our behaviors, and its introduction with various aspects of life. I give you an example. Why do we like sweets and fatty food and most of us do like it? Is it because basically the animal in us knows that if we would spend energy finding food, it is better that we would spend it in a food that brings us many calories? Sweets and fatty food will do exactly that, or is it because we like the taste of sweets for dinner in our mouth or is it because when we are children, often we would be rewarded with one of those types of food when we behave to the satisfaction of our parents? Psychology would look at all of the above and try to explain why even when we know it in today's society our liking, our predilection for these types of food is actually harming us physically, nevertheless it seems to be growing than a disappearing phenomenal. 

Another way of finding psychology useful or what it is, is explaining why we do other thing, particular everything of our behaviors. Why do we think, why do we pound on paper wood especially if at a time registry? Why do I feel I want to be completely emotionless? If you like sensation, you probably know means to spoke and or if you are more of a younger generation, you would know data from they started new generation. Both have absolutely no emotional wage. 

So they say all they won't suffer but still on the other hand today, enjoy life as any reason for the existence. So psychology is the science that tries study of all those, find a reason for them and then tries and make use of it in order to improve our expert. .



How To Become A Forensic Psychologist

Sherridan Hughes talks about the requirements to be a forensic psychologistSherridan Hughes talks about the requirements to be a forensic psychologist

Hello! I'm Sherridan Hughes. I'm a career consultant with career analysts. I'm going to talk to you today about how to getting to various careers. 

Forensic psychologists are psychologists who are particularly concerned with the criminal mind, and with understanding how deviants work. It's one of the fastest growing fields of psychology. I think it's not exactly what one thinks of in the sense that you know we have all in our mind the books by Paul Britain and who supposedly the inspiration for cracker, and he is obviously tracking criminals and profiling criminals. 

Now, there certainly is an element of criminal profiling in forensic psychology. They do look at research and take from that research what they can to identify the sort of people who will likely perpetuate certain crimes. So, they're using statistical evidence and research to inform their advise. 

But a lot of it is also about being able to build relationships with quite strange people. So, you'll be working with the police, with the health services, and in prisons with people trying to help them to understand their behavior and understand the implications of their behavior on victims. Before entry, you would actually need to have done a full psychology degree followed by a forensic psychology masters and that would take obviously a 3 year degree and at least 2 years with the masters. 

And then you would have to follow a program or a relevant experience in order to be accredited by the health council. So, it's quite a long term course and it is something which you can't do without a degree. You would be again being in sensitive areas would always be easy to work in prisons, but obviously there are things like various youth deviancy organizations and being able to work with young people, with mentally ill people, with victims' support, would be a very useful experience, and in fact, would require experience before being able to secure a place in a such a responsible role. 

Obviously in terms of qualities, you need to be able to build empathy, and understanding with people who aren't always very unlikely to be run of the mill, perhaps you know serial killers and really quite evil people. And therefore also you have to be prepared to be in perhaps some danger when you are actually dealing with these kinds of people, and often it's a field which quite difficult to make a difference, but obviously any difference you do make are going to be very rewarding. That's the experience and qualifications which you will need to become a forensic psychologist.


A Guide To Forensic Psychology

A Guide to Forensic Psychology: Today, Eldad Farhy is featured in this VideoJug film to tell us a little about Forensic Psychology. He explains a forensic psychologist's role in dealing with people part of the criminal system. He further explains how his job studies alternative routes of punishment for offenders and possibly a way to rehabilitate them for an overall better off society.A Guide to Forensic Psychology: Today, Eldad Farhy is featured in this VideoJug film to tell us a little about Forensic Psychology. He explains a forensic psychologist's role in dealing with people part of the criminal system. He further explains how his job studies alternative routes of punishment for offenders and possibly a way to rehabilitate them for an overall better off society.

I am Doctor Eldad Farhy. I am a counselor in psychotherapeutic psychology. I am a psychology expert in the UK, and today, I will be talking about psychology. 

Forensic psychology is the part of psychology that studies the behaviors and thinking patterns of individuals that are involved in the forensic system, that is the criminal system. Forensic psychologists usually train in the UK in prisons and law enforcement agencies. That would be the case also in other countries. 

They also study the motivation and thinking process that has led those individuals into behaving in ways that society highly disapproves of so much, so they were being incarcerated or otherwise punished. Forensic psychology looks at how to make that same experience incarceration in law enforcement more effective: how to develop ways of rehabilitating the individual rather than only punishing them. They would also look at ways of stopping people from re-offending and they would also look at why they offended in the first place. 

Forensic psychology is interesting also I must say, not quite as dramatic as it is often depicted at the cinema or on television. .

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