КАФЕДРА ИН.ЯЗ. МосУ МВДПятница, 20.09.2024, 03:39

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ENGLISH - preparing for the examinations

Moscow University of the Interior of the

Russian Federation


Moscow University of the Interior was established in 2002. It pro­vides effective training for militia staff of Moscow, Moscow region and other regions of the Central Federal Area of Russia, and for the CIS countries. 

Educational process is conducted by 35 chairs, which provide training on more than 240 subjects. There are 7 branches in the cities of Russia. The training at the University is conducted at 13 faculties. 

The University is a large scientific centre which studies theoretical and practical problems of law enforcement agencies. There are more than 150 doctors of science and more than 570 candidates of science at the University. 

Post-graduate education in 15 scientific specializations is available at the Doctor and Post Graduate Courses. 

The University has all facilities including the necessary number of lecture, assembly and reading halls, classrooms, computer classes, training grounds, laboratories, gymnasiums and sport grounds, shooting ranges and a swimming pool, libraries with more than 1 million books. 

Great attention at the University is paid to physical training and sports. The students and the University staff participate in competitions and games. Every year there is a competition in different sports at the University; there are judo, self - defense, boxing, football, skiing sport clubs. 

Student scientific conferences provide the opportunity to meet lead­ing Russia scientists - lawyers, practical specialists from the Minis­try of the Interior, well - known Russian public representatives and politicians. 

 The University develops close relationships with foreign scientific and educational institutes. Lots of international conferences, seminars and round tables are or­ganized annually. The law enforcement officers from different coun­tries and representatives from international organizations are invited there. Professors and students of the University take part in the sci­entific conferences held by foreign partners in other countries. Graduates of the Moscow University of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia successfully use their knowledge in different Departments of the Ministry.

 The Work of Militia
Our militia was created by the working people to protect their rights. The officers of our militia have always displayed courage and heroism in the fight against enemies of our state during the Great Patri­otic War as well as in the years of peaceful construction.
The main aim of militia has always been to maintain public order, to protect state and personal property and safeguard the rights of our citizens. Nowadays great attention in the work of militia is paid to pre­vention of crime, to its suppression. But if a crime has been committed, the militia officers are to solve the crime as quickly as possible. To fulfil these tasks the organs of internal affairs are composed of different de­partments.
The Criminal Detection Department is one of the most complicated militia services. The main responsibility of the officer of the Criminal Detection Department is to detect the criminal, that is to lo­cate and apprehend him. In many cases the detective must trace a fugi­tive who is hiding.
The officers of the Criminal Investigation Department collect facts to prove the guilt or innocence of the suspect. The final test of a crimi­nal investigation is in presentation of evidence in court. Corpus delicti must be established, the defendant must be identified and associated with the crime scene. The investigator must also provide competent witnesses.
Economic Crimes Department fights against those who don't want to live an honest life. The responsibility of the officers of this Depart­ment is to reveal the criminal activity of those who commit embezzle­ment and other economic crimes, bring them to justice.
 The State Auto-Inspection is responsible for traffic regulation and safety on the roads.
The Transport Militia maintains law and order on the railway, air lines and water ways of the country.
The Juvenile Inspection handles «difficult» juveniles and their careless parents. They also do much work to prevent juvenile delinquency.
The Correctional System is supposed to rehabilitate offenders through labour. This is the purpose of correctional establishments.
 A new service for the fight against organized crime has been cre­ated in our militia. Organized crime operates on fear, bribery and force. Militia officers of organized crime department are devoting their efforts to collect sufficient evidence to bring gang leaders to justice.
 Questions to the text
1. What is our militia created for?
2. How did the militia work during the history of its existence?
3. What is the aim of militia's activity?
4. What departments is militia composed of?
5. What is the main responsibility of the Criminal Detection De­partment?
6. What are the duties of the officers of the Criminal Investigation Department?


Категория: каталог статей | Добавил: victork06 (02.02.2010)
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